What to Expect When You Seek Professional Orthodontic Treatment

A woman in a dentist's chair pointing to a monitor.

If you're dealing with tooth alignment issues or you'd like to achieve the smile you've always wanted, you may need to seek orthodontic care. When you choose professional orthodontic treatment, there are a few things that you can expect.

Treatment Takes Time
Firstly, understand that the orthodontic process requires significant time and commitment. According to the American Association of Orthodontics, simple cases may take only a few months to treat, while a complete bite correction can take a couple of years to correct. During this time, you'll likely have to attend regular appointments for check-ups and adjustments.

Your Treatment Is Customized
It's worth noting that orthodontic treatment is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Your orthodontist will assess your situation and create a customized plan of action to address your particular issues. This could mean using braces, retainers, removable aligners or even certain types of oral appliances. Your orthodontist will also recommend specific hygiene and lifestyle habits to ensure your treatment is both effective and comfortable.

At the beginning of the process, you'll meet with an orthodontist to discuss your concerns. During this appointment, your orthodontic specialist may take photos and an x-ray of your teeth. These will enable the orthodontist to decide what treatment plan fits your needs.

Plan For Follow-Up Visits
Once your treatment plan has been decided on and you start treatment, you'll need periodic visits for check-ups and adjustments. These follow-up visits are essential to ensure the treatment is progressing as planned. During these visits, your orthodontist will adjust or tighten the braces, monitor aligner wear or activate fixed appliances. They may provide additional advice on changes or modifications in your diet to ensure the treatment is successful, and provide guidance on oral hygiene.

Paying for Treatment
It's important to plan and consider the costs associated with your orthodontic treatment. Comprehensive dental plans will cover some of the cost, but you will likely need to pay a portion out of pocket. Depending on your particular situation, you may have financing options such as Care Credit. Many orthodontists provide zero-interest monthly payment plans along with a down payment.  Be sure to speak to your orthodontist to discuss your payment options.

Understanding how orthodontic care works will help avoid frustration. With a clear plan in place, you can be sure that any treatment will be successful and help you achieve the smile you've always wanted. Contact Cuozzo Orthodontics today for a consultation!


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