What to Expect During Your Initial Examination at Cuozzo

A young boy in a red shirt is posing against a pink background.

You’ve read up on orthodontic braces. Again and again, you’ve looked at your or your child’s teeth. Now, it’s time to take the leap and see an orthodontist in person. Google will only take you so far. Eventually, if you’re serious about straightening those teeth, you’ll need to set time aside for an orthodontist appointment.

Visiting any dental specialist can create anxiety. What will they do? What will they find? Will it hurt? Luckily, a first visit to the orthodontist is a little different and there’s no reason to be on edge. At Cuozzo Orthodontics in NJ, an initial examination simply means:

Meet & Greet
The prerequisite step to orthodontic treatment is to become comfortable with your orthodontist and confident in their expertise. Meeting in person is the best and really the only way to establish that trust. When you first visit Cuozzo, you’ll meet our treatment coordinator and one of our certified orthodontists. They’ll want to learn why you’re seeking treatment, what specific concerns you have, and how much you know about orthodontics so far. It’s a very easygoing chat that will help you feel cool, calm, and collected in the office. You can also meet the entire Cuozzo team on our website before your visit and read about their personal and professional backgrounds.

Photos & X-Rays
Our treatment coordinator will take a set of photographs of your face and teeth, possibly followed by a panoramic X-ray. The panoramic X-ray gives us a full view of the mouth, enabling us to determine the right treatment time and type. While American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children get an orthodontic consultation around the age of 7, not every child is ready for treatment at that point.  In addition to identifying important diagnostic information, such as the presence of impacted, missing, or extra teeth, the panoramic X-ray tells us whether a child is truly ready for treatment or should instead be enrolled in our early observation program until more of their permanent teeth have grown in. In these cases, timing is everything. Wearing appliances too soon means being in treatment for too long.

Questions & Answers
After we’ve gathered the diagnostic information and reviewed the images, your orthodontist will explain their findings, the potential treatment options available, and their recommendation for treatment. This is the time to ask any and every question that comes to your mind, whether it’s related to process, appointments, or dos and don’ts during treatment. Speaking with an orthodontist is a much more effective way to get the reliable information you need than Googling on your own! Consider jotting your main questions down beforehand so you don’t forget to ask something important.

Plan & Schedule
Once we have answered your questions regarding treatment, we will review how much your individualized treatment plan will cost, including how much your insurance might cover, and explain how to get started. Now that you have all the information, you’ve gone from wondering about braces to having a clear treatment plan, all in just one short visit!

Ready to book your initial examination at Cuozzo? It’ll be the easiest orthodontic appointment ever—we promise. Your first visit will be friendly, honest, painless, and easy. Learn more and book your complimentary consultation today.


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