How to Take Care of Your Invisalign

A person is brushing their teeth with a toothbrush.

One of the most popular ways to straighten teeth is by using Invisalign clear aligners. You'll want to wear them about 22 hours a day and follow the instructions provided by your orthodontist, as this ensures your treatment stays on track and hits the target completion date. Here are four more tips to help you properly care for your new clear aligners.

Rinse After Removal
Whenever you eat or drink things, you must remove the aligners. They should be rinsed with water as soon as you remove them from your mouth. Rinsing helps remove some of the bacteria and helps keep film from building up. It also helps maintain the lifespan of your aligners. Remember to only use cool or lukewarm water when you rinse or clean them, as extreme heat has the ability to warp the aligners, making them unwearable and ineffective.

Be Hygienic
Wash your hands before removing your aligners, especially your fingertips and nails. This keeps bacteria and germs from being transferred from your hands to your aligners. If you are unable to wash your hands, a hand sanitizer can be used, but it should be 60% alcohol or higher. After removal, you can rinse them and put them away in a travel case, or leave them to soak in an aligner cleaning solution in the proper container. Repeat hand washing or hand sanitizer prior to putting the Invisalign clear braces back into your mouth.

Store Aligners Properly
Whenever your Invisalign aligners are not in your mouth, they should be stored in a retainer or aligner case, and kept away from direct sunlight and pets.  Never wrap your aligners in a napkin or paper towel, or put them in your pocket – these are the easiest ways to accidentally lose, throw out, or crush your aligners. If you need a case for your aligners, make sure to ask your orthodontist for one at your next visit.

Clean Invisalign Aligners Twice a Day
It is recommended to brush your Invisalign braces twice a day in cool or lukewarm water, again because hot water may warp the aligners. You may also gently brush the aligners with non-abrasive toothpaste (stay away from whitening pastes, which can cause scratching and wear on the surface of the aligners). After cleaning, rinse and then let them dry our put them back in your mouth.

Soak Them Once a Week
There are special solutions for clear aligners can also be used as a cleaning- soak once a week. Soaking for about half an hour once a week is an additional way to keep them clean and bacteria-free.

If you are thinking about teeth straightening solutions, Invisalign clear aligners could be right for you. Give our team here at Cuozzo Orthodontics a call to learn more about your options! We look forward to working with you.


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