How to Take Care of Your Braces

A woman is brushing her teeth with a toothbrush.

According to the American Association of Orthodontics, during orthodontic treatment, it's typical to have appointments every six to 10 weeks on average. In between appointments, it's important to take good care of your braces. Your orthodontist's office will go over everything with you and answer any questions you may have. Below are a few tips that can help you make your treatment go more smoothly. Continue reading to learn more.

Avoid Crunchy and Chewy Foods
It may feel like a major sacrifice, especially to younger kids, but there are certain foods that are best avoided for the duration of orthodontic treatment. Hard, crunchy foods and chewy sticky candy and gum are a no-go when wearing braces. Also, almost everyone's favorite food, popcorn, shouldn't be eaten when wearing braces, as hard as that may be. Eating these foods can cause broken braces and bent wires which in turn will deter effective straightening of your teeth and may cause the treatment to be longer than usual.

Brush After Every Meal and Snack
Getting kids to brush twice a day can be challenging enough, but it's important that they brush after every time they eat during orthodontic treatment. This means that it's necessary to carry a toothbrush and toothpaste along at all times. As tedious as this may seem, adopting this habit will help keep treatments on schedule and avoid a longer treatment time. When food is lodged between the teeth and orthodontic brackets, it can cause damage to the teeth while also disrupting the treatment. Once you get into the habit, it will become second nature and help keep the alignment process moving along.

Follow the Orthodontist's Instructions
It's important to listen and read any and all instructions from your orthodontist and their staff. It's equally important to keep all of your appointments. If there's anything that comes up, like a loose bracket or wire, then it's important to give the orthodontist's office a call for guidance. Most likely, any such problems will need to be addressed and require an additional appointment. As you or your child are going through this process, it's helpful to remember the result you're working toward. Having a straight and healthy smile is worth the small discomforts and sacrifices that often come with orthodontic treatment.

If it's time to begin your child's orthodontic treatment, we're here for you. Contact our office today to schedule an introductory consultation to learn more about our services. We look forward to providing your family's orthodontic care needs.


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